Thursday, September 25, 2008


I love the state fair. I'm so glad I can use Taylor as an excuse to get Cody to go to it!! I was so sick that whole week but was determined not to miss out on the fair this year!! After work Cody's mom Susan, and his grandparents Bill & Linda came to our house to wait for Willie and Drea to join us.
We were finally on our way. We had the absolute best parking spot in the world. Thanks Brandon and DJ!! We definately had to go through and see ALL of the animals, because Tay loves animals. One of the best parts of going to the fair is the food, unfortunately we didnt get to try any of the delicious deep fried goodies you all heard about but we did enjoy foot long corndogs, funnel cake and popcorn.
Now it was time for the rides. Drea and Taylor had so much fun. Willie was such a trooper and took the girls on the roller coaster

Taylor loves to be on horses whether it is her stuffed one from her Auntie Alisha, the rocking one she received from Grandma Susan, the Merry-Go-Round, or the real ones that are at her Grandpa & Grandma Smith's house. The bouncing houses are another thing that she enjoys ALOT I actually had to take my shoes off and climb in to get her out, of course she whined a bit. The whining stopped once she saw the gigantic slide just around the corner. That was always one of my faves I wanted to take her. Im pretty sure it is still the same sacks and slide from 20 years ago!!

1 comment:

JP Feliciano said...

hey little missy! I'm so glad your on blogger... this is so much better then myspace... brooke is on here tooo.. so take a look double click on my pics/pages to make them bigger.... look at my older posts enjoy cause i enjoyed yours its super cute....